Astoundingly Affordable,
Endlessly Customizable, 

Locally-Made Cabinets

Easily design and order online and get
exactly what you want 2 to 3X faster

Let’s Tailor Your Experience
See What Baru Can Do for You!

Custom Made Simple

Baru marries technology with local craftsmanship, making high-quality bespoke cabinetry accessible and hassle-free for all.

Customization With No Upcharge

Bypass the costly back-and-forth of the traditional custom process. Baru's technology makes customization turnkey and, effectively, free.

Faster Turnaround

Get orders delivered weeks or months sooner than traditional custom or long-distance stock cabinets.

Reliable Delivery

Avoid delay and damage risk thanks to Baru's automated process and local, direct-to-job-site delivery.

Transparent Pricing

See the price change in real time as you build your order online. Explore myriad options and find your ideal configuration without waiting for custom quotes.

Your Vision Brought to Life

Baru’s near limitless sizing, material, color, and door options empower you to achieve your vision at your budget without compromise. 

Higher Quality at Every Price

Since Baru eliminates long-distance freight and warehousing, which account for 40% of stock cabinet costs, we can bring you higher quality cabinets at any budget level.

Bringing Local Back–For Good

I founded Baru as a remedy to the excessive waste in the current supply chain for cabinetry and other case goods.

There are thousands of manufacturing machines in the US that sit idle for most of every day. In the meantime, freight and associated packaging and damage add up to 40% of the cost of goods for often sub-par and inflexibly standardized products while delaying projects and leaving a massive carbon footprint...

Tino Go | Founder & CEO, Baru

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That Fits Your Needs!